
What Can We Do for You?


Managing the annual renewal is a core service to any benefits consulting firm. We take a very hands-on and in-depth approach to the annual renewal. We review and analyze the renewal in detail to allow us to negotiate a reasonable renewal with the insurer(s) and provide the client with any insight into what are the key cost drivers to benefit plan. When appropriate, we’ll review plan design changes and incorporate them into the renewal. If needed, we can provide member communication to explain the renewal outcomes.

employee / member Surveys

Gaining insight into what employees / members think or know about the current plan or services can provide valuable input to an organization. it can be an opportunity to identify perceptions of employees / members that may not be accurate and using this information to identify opportunities to educate employees and members. Surveys can also be important in designing a benefit plan that meets the needs of employees / members. We can assist clients in designing surveys and providing summary reports of the survey results that can be presented to committees along with the employees / members.


Plan sponsors are becoming more aware of the importance of governance with respect to benefit plans. This is not limited to only establishing a governance policy for a Trusteed or Benefits Committee, this could include establishing proper administration policies for the benefit plan. We have extensive experience in supporting clients in a number of governance topics.

market study / request for Proposal

We take a very in-depth approach to managing market studies which goes beyond simply reviewing proposed rates. We will make sure clients have a thorough understanding of the costs and services that each insurer has proposed. Besides conducting market studies for group insurance plans, we can also attend to Employee and Family Assistance Programs, second medical opinion services, telemedicine, actuarial services, and much more. We do have experience working with public sector organizations that need to adhere to procurement protocols.

plan sponsor surveys

Some organizations want to get a better understanding of what other plan sponsors are offering for benefits, benefit costs, and what challenges that are facing. We have the experience to properly develop surveys and strategies to encourage participation. We can collect and present the results to our clients and analyze the results to get valuable information.


Wellness is no longer a trendy discussion, it has become a need for many organizations. That being said what encompasses wellness has become a diverse definition. We can assist clients in navigating the various wellness options that are available. This could include service available through existing providers such as insurers, and EFAP providers and what other providers can be introduced to the workplace.

Plan Design review

It is important to take the time to review the plan design to ensure the client has an accurate understanding of the plan offering. We take the time focus on all aspects of the plan, providing advice on how the plan could be amended to improve coverage and also manage costs. During a plan design review, it is highly likely that the client will learn something new about their benefit plan and implement plan design changes to provide a better plan.


Whether its newsletter, posters, emails or presentations, we can assist clients in properly communicating the benefit plan. This could include communicating renewals, market study results, plan design changes, general benefit information, tips for managing cost and much more. A strong communication plan with employees / members can provide significant value to plan sponsor.

Additional providers

There is a growing list of new providers being introduced to the benefits industry whether that includes second medical opinions, telemedicine, pharmacogenetic testing, EFAPs, addiction services, Executive Medicals and much more. Whatever it is, we can provide insight and education on the service, and connect clients to the relevant providers.